Friday, February 7, 2014

Food for thought...and your face?

Expensive body care products getting you down? Nothing left in your budget for pricey facial care products? How frustrating! You can really rack up a huge tab in the body care aisle and half of the products you try don't even work!

We have a solution. Head on over to the grocery store or even your pantry! That's right. Some of the food we eat can benefit our bodies in other ways. And honestly, they work better than any old lotion or potion. It's time to get back to nature.

We love to use coconut oil for cooking purposes. It's a healthy alternative to the other products on the market. Did you know it also makes a wonderful moisturizer. No kidding! It's a bit greasy going on but one it sinks it, you skin is left incredibly soft. You can even use it as a facial moisturizer! It also can be used in the hair. Apply to the bottom portion of your hair, let it sit for 2-3 minutes and rinse. You are left with moist, frizz-free locks. Make sure you use pure, organic coconut oil for the best results.

They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away. You better believe it! The apple is a powerful fruit. One of its most beneficial forms is raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar. This can be found in the natural section of your grocery store. It makes a delicious salad dressing. But it can also be used as a toner. Add some water and apply with a cotton ball. It naturally balances your skin's PH levels. It can also be combined with water and used a rinse in your hair. It will  naturally remove product buildup and leave you with soft locks.

Are you suffering from dry, itchy winter skin? We sure were until we discovered this simple secret. Run a hot bath and add in few cups of milk! You heard that right. Lactic acid is a natural skin softener. It works like a dream. Follow up with a a bit of exfoliation and a moisturizer. You'll be ready to face the dry winter wind in no time.

Do not underestimate the power of your pantry. It has so much to offer! What is your favorite beauty product from the kitchen? Honey? Maybe oatmeal? Share your secrets with us!

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